Industrial enterprises often encounter calibration tasks such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind in their daily work. Some small production companies will hand over the calibration work to external service providers; medium and large companies generally have their own internal laboratories and will handle these calibration tasks by themselves.
For self-calibration companies, it is very important to choose a suitable set of measuring equipment. Only in this way can accurate and reliable measurement values be guaranteed.
First, let me introduce the temperature and humidity calibration equipment. The temperature and humidity calibration equipment can be divided into temperature calibration equipment, humidity calibration equipment, and temperature and humidity integrated calibration equipment.
Temperature calibration equipment includes calibration constant temperature bath, dry body calibrator, high-precision temperature box, thermocouple calibrator, surface calibrator, precision digital thermometer, etc.;
Humidity calibration equipment includes humidity generator, etc.;
Temperature and humidity calibration equipment includes temperature and humidity test box, wireless temperature and humidity recorder, etc.
The temperature and humidity calibration equipment needs to implement the regulations and standards formulated by the country, such as "JJF1076-2020 Digital Temperature and Humidity Meter Calibration Specification", "JJF (Military Industry) 165-2017 Digital Temperature and Humidity Meter Calibration Specification" and so on.
Accuracy Classes for Temperature and Humidity Calibration Equipment
Standard for Dearto Temperature and Humidity Calibration Equipment
Temperature deviation MPE: ±(0.5~1.0)℃ Humidity deviation MPE: RH~±1%RH Temperature uniformity MPE: (0.25~0.8)℃ Humidity uniformity MPE: (0.8~0.1)%RH Temperature fluctuation MPE: ± Humidity fluctuation MPE at 0.5℃ and below: ±0.8%RH
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Website : m.auto-surfer.com
E-mail : tadt17@dearto.cn / tadtzdh@dearto.cn
Copyright? Tai'an Detu Automation Instrument Co., Ltd. Lu ICP 14024757-1